Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2008 Rookie Team Inspiration Award

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of you for the pivotal role you played in our success! You may be proud to know that our Alternative Education team just returned Sunday night from the competition in Atlanta, Georgia and our team (Full Throttle #2599) won the 2008 Rookie Team Inspiration Award. This was an incredible and stunning experience! There were 317 rookie teams that registered for the event in November and out of those 317 teams, only 39 were invited to the 2008 FIRST Robotics Championship in Atlanta, Georgia, to compete on the international level. Out of those 39 teams, our team, #2599 Full Throttle, won the Rookie Team Inspiration Award--one of the only two awards given out to rookie teams at the international level!

Our hearts are drawn out in gratitude for the many, many individuals, educational leaders, civic leaders, corporate sponsors, and community groups who, like you, have supported us, had faith in us, and have contributed to our cause!

What you and many others will probably never know are the miracles that occurred during this entire "robot building" process. Because of your support to our Alternative Education FIRST Robotics Program, hearts were touched, family, district, and community ties were strengthened, and lives were transformed. There really aren't words in the English language that can adequately express the tremendous gratitude we feel for the faith that you had in us. Nevertheless, with all our hearts we say..............


Monday, April 21, 2008

WE WON ! ! !

Full Throttle Team 2599 was honored with the 2008 F.I.R.S.T. Robotic National Rookie Inspiration Award! We are so Thankful to F.I.R.S.T. for having this wonderful program for student!
Thankful for our parents - for their encouragement, and continual support!
Our fabulous mentors/coaches - through thick and thin; through drama after drama - we made it! We could not have done it without you!
The Sweetwater Union High School District for their support!
The City of Chula Vista, CA - especially Mayor Cox for all her support and donations!
OUR STUDENTS! what can we say - they are simply the BEST! We have had out up with the downs; the good and the bad; however, you have stuck to this endeavor - your dedicates and excitement is what will help us to continue and grow to be even a better TEAM! The Mentors, Parents and Teachers love you for who you are and who you have become!
With two special THANK YOU -
To Mrs. Hodge - for your dedication of time, energy and your sacrifices; your willingness to never give up; always find something positive in any situation; and for your constant praises and compliments to everyone accept yourself. YOU ARE THE BEST! We could not have done any of this without you - we love you!
To Ms. Lemons, Director of Alternative Education - Thank you for supporting this program/team. We appreciate all that you have done for us - and mostly for your continued belief in the students, mentors, parents and teachers.

Full Throttle Team 2599

Monday, April 14, 2008

As we reflect on the miricles of TEAM 2599

As events and experiences started happening leading up to the San Diego And truly, just about everyday, something amazing happened! I have documented stories about that and I'll share one in just a moment! As we got into it and kept personally witnessing crazy things (like Fran's suggestion that I email you about our need), we said, "We're going to make a movie!" or "This is going to be a great scene in our movie!" Again, everyone just laughed! It was a regionals, we began to say, "Something amazing is going to happen today!" ludicrous idea! But it was such a fun idea that it brought more life and vitality to the experience! We laughed a lot as different things would happen! So when Mr. Perry called to let us know just a few days ago that a producer from LA was thinking about using us in a portion of a documentary that they were filming, our mouths just dropped open and we said, "Something amazing is going to happen!" Mr. Buchta, the producer interviewed the students on Wednesday and is going to propose the idea to his supervisor! While we don't know if our particular scene will be selected, we still have stopped and reflect, "Who would have ever thought that our dream of being in a movie would actually be on the radar screen?" But it is! It's all so crazy, but so wonderful! Each new experience has done wonders for our students and for us!

Here's just one of the miraculous stories that has occurred in the life of one of our students, Donovan Lehnig! This senior was a student of Mr. Perry. He was one of the ones that actually got this whole thing started and served as the main builder of the robot! The young man is brilliant, but has had a life that has been very challenging. He has been tossed here and there and now his real father has full custody. When Donovan first entered Independent Studies, he would not even say two words. He hid in the background and avoided interacting with people. He and his father struggle to get by, but they are doing okay. The dad just got his taxes back and made a huge sacrifice and got Donovan an X-box 360 -- a gift that Donovan has wanted for years, but they just had no money to buy it! The two of them were just trying to put food on the table! Donovan was so thrilled. Interestingly enough though, the day that the Mr. Lehnig had the X-box ready for Donovan, Donovan chose to finish working on the robot -- to get one more thing done because the clock was ticking! As much as he wanted to play those games, the success of the robot was more important to him!

During the entire build season, no one was really paying attention to Donovan and how close he looked at his work. We were all just impressed with his tenacity, his ideas, and his know how. As time went on, Donovan and a teammate, John Kinnamon became friends and would go to John's house to play X-box 360. Ms. Kinnamon, team mom, noticed that Donovan was right up next to the TV so that he could "see" the screen. She made a comment about that. Still, no one was paying any attention. Later Mr. Perry quietly informed me that Donovan was blind in one eye. Again, I wasn't paying attention and Donovan obviously had compensated for his loss because he never said anything. Then one night after we had a great build night, he was sitting at the computer in front of my office door and I was at the desk and he quietly said that he had lost his eye to cancer when he was one year old. I stopped and was dumbfounded that he had even revealed that piece of information. We talked for a few minutes and I basically commended him for his compensation skills. I told him I would never have known. Now mind you, Donovan has long hair and he wears his hair so that it covers his blind eye. You can't even see it. So for him to tell me that he was blind in one eye was a huge step for Donovan! However, I'm still not paying any attention to the situation though!

The robot was built and now we had to find a driver for the robot. Mind you, Donovan, along with Mr. Escobedo, our robot builder mentor, had been working tirelessly every day for 4-6 hours on this creation. Donovan's heart is totally into it. As far as we are concerned, he is the driver. But now we find out he is blind in one eye and can't even see! During the EXPO another student enters the picture, Michael Fuller. Mike has better driving skills because he can see. From our experience with other teams, team members actually compete for the honor to be the driver of the robot because the driver gets points for the team and that's what you want to happen -- get points for the team! Well, our teachers got together and we basically said, "You know, this project is not about winning, it's about building people's lives. We don't care if we lose, but we do care about Donovan and he has earned the right to drive the robot." It was a done deal. Donovan was going to drive the robot -- blind or not!

Interestingly enough, just 2 weeks before the event, Mike, who still was hoping to be the driver, but finding out that the honor, was going to Donovan, offered to give Donovan his glasses so that Donovan could see a bit better to drive the robot! It was at that point that we thought, "Get Donovan glasses so at least he can see with the one working eye that he has!" If it's meant to be, he'll have glasses by the time the competition would start which was Thursday, March 6th. On Friday, February 29th we were in contact with Mr. Daniel Mason, an eye doctor, and then with Brenda, our school nurse. No one thought he'd get an exam and glasses by the event. But then, who cared! The important thing was not about winning, it was about getting Donovan a pair of glasses so he could see! The young man wants to go to college. He needs glasses! On Thursday, when our team met together to get into the cars to go to the first day of the event, Donovan had glasses. He had also shaved off his beard! He looked great! But, his hair still hung over his eye! But he was smiling!

Oh, one other segment to the story. Around February 20th, I received a magazine in the mail with a picture of a boy in a baseball uniform standing at bat with a bat in his hand. He only had one arm! I felt impressed to go to Donovan and his dad and show them the picture. It was on a Sunday. They were home, and I showed them the picture. We talked about how this young man had compensated for his disability and was not ashamed of it. It was actually the source of his 'heroism'. Here he was one-armed and doing what everyone else could do and it was out in the light. We talked about letting people know that Donovan was blind -- to come out in the open with it. He said no. He didn't want anyone to know. So we left it at that. He had given me that information on the side and I would guard it.

At the competition, he did great. He got a lot of points for the team. No one knew he was blind in one eye! Then we get to the interview this past Wednesday. The producer goes around and asks everyone to tell their story. Donovan is last. He tells his story -- sort of. But he never brings up the point that he is blind in one eye. We dismiss the students and then Dennis, Bernardo, and I are standing with the producer to go and talk about things. Donovan comes up to our little group and then tells the producer that he has one more thing that he would like to add. He then tells the producer that he lost his eye to cancer when he was young. I was dumbfounded! Donovan finally was able to face this disability and was willing to put it out for the entire world to see. I asked him two times, Donovan, are you willing for this to go on the screen?" The producer wasn't really paying attention to this whole encounter. However, when we went back and sat down, as the staff, I pointed out what miracle just occurred while the producer was standing there. Even the producer commented, "I should have paid more attention. I didn't realize what a transitional moment that was in Donovan's life." That is what it has been like with this entire experience! It has not been about building a robot -- it has been about life changing events for students and indeed for us all!

Not one of us is the same person we were before we entered this competition. We have witnessed incredible experience after experience! We have witnessed incredible changes in the lives of each other and our students! We believe in dreams and the crazier the dream, the more we laugh, and then we dig in and see if we can make it happen! It's all so much fun, and it is electrifying! There are so many stories.

Our newest dream is "We're going to the White House!" Once we won the regional, the possibility of going to the White House became truly within our reach! We have a tremendous message to share which is: Education needs to have FIRST in every school! We need a nation of people who practice "gracious professionalism". FIRST is intergenerational. It involves every segment of our society (educators, civic leaders, businesses, corporations, media, mentors, parents, and students), and the way to infuse inspirational ideas into the hearts and minds of our youth is through education! This is the vehicle to take our entire nation to the top! This is the vehicle to make the US FIRST on the global map! And why? To bring the entire world together in the spirit of "gracious professionalism" and to encourage youth everywhere to pursue opportunities in math, science, technology and engineering to enrich the lives of everyone worldwide! Yes, it's a crazy dream, but it makes us laugh because it is so crazy! It could happen! Right now, our initial dream is waiting to materialize, "We're going to Atlanta!"

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I believe!

Can you believe it? In 4 days we are going to Atlanta!

Month after month, since October 2007, I heard our "Wonder Woman", Sandy Hodge, exclaim "We're going to Atlanta!" all the while I was just hoping the team would survive the Regional . Little did I know that our "Wonder Woman's" inexhaustible chanting was like a magical fairy dust that could actually make this wonderful dream come true!

Yes, our kids and mentors put in long hours on weekdays, weekends, and even through the holidays designing and building a robot, but it was "Wonder Woman" Hodge's determination, unswerving faith and irrepressible spirit that pushed our team to heights only she seemed to know for certain we could achieve!

Thank you dearest Sandy Hodge, our wonderful "Wonder Woman," for having the strength of faith to carry us all to Atlanta!

Friday, April 4, 2008

tribute from Ms.Kenn

AS a parent of a teenage child, it is such a comfort to know their are still teachers and/or mentors
that genuinely care about their students. I have been participating and observing quite a few of the alternative education robotics functions, whether it has been meetings, fundraisers , or just a get together. I have found this staff to be absolutely incredible. The patience, understanding, advice and general goodwill to our children is second to none ! I am proud to have my child participating in this adventure. MRS LEMONS, MR & MRS HODGE, MR ESCOBADO, MR PERRY, MRS SYPNIER, and everyone else who has dedicated themselves to this undertaking, including all our sponsors. This is a tribute to you. I can not thank-you enough. good luck in Atlanta go team full throttle!! thanks Ms kenn

Fundraisers in the Park

Alternative Education’s Robotics Team Partners
with Paulie’s for a Pizza Fundraiser

Event: Endorsed by Mayor Cheryl Cox and Deputy Mayor Jerry Rindone, the award winning San Diego FIRST Robotics regional 2008 Rookie All Star Team from Alternative Education and the Denver, Colorado FIRST Robotics regional 2008 Rookie All Star Team from Eastlake High will partner with Paulie’s Pizza Kitchen to raise funds to compete in the Championship in Atlanta, Georgia on April 16-19, 2008. In the spirit of “In it to share it,” these two grateful teams of students will set up their “robot pit”, display a vexbot and pictures of their robot, and invite friends, neighbors, and others to purchase a personal pizza or fresh sandwich at Paulie’s Portable Pizza Kitchen to help them raise funds, knowing that a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to their program.

Background: In 2006-2007, City Councilmember and former Hilltop High School principal, Jerry Rindone, accepted the invitation to enter Hilltop High School in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) ever to be held in San Diego. Hilltop walked away with the 2007 Rookie Team Inspiration Award. Inspired by the principle of “gracious professionalism” espoused by FIRST Robotics, as well as provide alternative education students the opportunity to practice math, science, computer technology, marketing, and engineering principles by building a real robot, Ms. Charlene Lemons, Alternative Education Program Director, joined the FRC program in 2007, offered her unwavering support, and coined the phrase, “We’re going to Atlanta!” Despite the fact that these students were scattered over 7 mini sites in the second largest district in California and met one-on-one with a teacher just one hour each week did not cause them to question their decision. Alternative Education, in turn, recruited Eastlake High to enter the FRC Competition. As the only three schools south of Highway 8 that were involved in the program, Hilltop, Eastlake and Alternative Education formed “Team Sweetwater” and collectively envisioned the dream, “We’re Going to Atlanta.” Through an incredible outpouring of community, district, and business support, funds were raised, pits were designed and working robots were constructed! In fact NASA, Qualcomm, Dynegy, Dixieline, FIRST, AT&T, ESET, Otay Ranch Company, McMillin Realty, BAE Systems, Eastlake Educational Foundation, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Home Depot, Bartels Electric, Denny’s, Toyota Chula Vista, Vons, Best Buy, the Sweetwater Union High School District, Adult Education, the South County Economic Development Council, Wal-Mart, Paulie’s Pizza Kitchen, FOX Channel 6, La Prensa, the San Diego Union Tribune, UCSD, SDSU, VAPA, and numerous individual donors expressed their faith in this unbelievable endeavor and provided support, funds and/or in-kind donations for these determined teams who truly believe and continually declare, “We’re going to Atlanta!”

Date/Time: Thursday, April 3, 2008 from 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Location: The Memorial Bowl in Chula Vista
373 Park Way, Chula Vista, CA 91910
Visuals: FIRST Robotics Vexbot on display 10x10x10 Award Winning Booth (video playing, posters, signs, and marketing materials on display)
Students dressed in team shirts / one may be wearing a mascot hat
Paulie’s Portable Pizza Kitchen to provide food (partial amount of proceeds will be donated)
Students may be demonstrating a vexbot, selling raffle tickets, talking about their
program, assisting with food sales at Paulie’s Portable Pizza Kitchen, or collecting
funds. Supporters buying food, talking to students, sitting in the stands.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Time Flyies!

We have one (1) month - 30 days - 728 hours before the National Campionship in Atlanta, GA. This week we were able to get out flight blocked for a good rate and rooms blocked. The question stands...who is going? and how do we pay for this endeavor??

This week it is going to be extra difficult to raise and funds or do much planning as everyone is on Spring break.

It will be time to leave before we know it!